
Retro YurOts Custom

  • Registered accounts: 261
  • Total player on the day: 60

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     Account number:

    Monster Pedestal Box
    hellspawn crawer
    Exp +21%
    Hellspawn Crawer

    Top 5 players

    Top 5 Killers

    Jaum Sd
    Kills: 5

    Kills: 4

    Kills: 3

    Top 5 Exp Today

    Jhony Malkavian
    Exp gained today:

    Shadow Command
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    Lord Titanium
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    Items (Clubs)

    Id Name Attributes
    3208 A Giant Smithhammer Weight: 68.00 oz
    Attack: 24
    Defense: 14
    3270 A Club Weight: 25.00 oz
    Attack: 7
    Defense: 7
    3279 A War Hammer Weight: 85.00 oz
    Attack: 45
    Defense: 10
    3282 A Morning Star Weight: 54.00 oz
    Attack: 25
    Defense: 11
    3286 A Mace Weight: 38.00 oz
    Attack: 16
    Defense: 11
    3289 A Staff Weight: 38.00 oz
    Attack: 10
    Defense: 25
    3304 A Crowbar Weight: 21.00 oz
    Attack: 6
    Defense: 6
    3305 A Battle Hammer Weight: 68.00 oz
    Attack: 24
    Defense: 14
    3309 A Thunder Hammer Weight: 125.00 oz
    Attack: 49
    Defense: 35
    3310 An Iron Hammer Weight: 66.00 oz
    Attack: 18
    Defense: 10
    3311 A Clerical Mace Weight: 58.00 oz
    Attack: 28
    Defense: 15
    3312 A Silver Mace Weight: 67.00 oz
    Attack: 40
    Defense: 30
    3321 An Enchanted Staff Weight: 38.00 oz
    Attack: 39
    Defense: 45
    3322 A Dragon Hammer Weight: 97.00 oz
    Attack: 32
    Defense: 20
    3324 A Skull Staff Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 36
    Defense: 12
    3325 A Light Mace Weight: 41.00 oz
    Attack: 14
    Defense: 9
    3327 A Daramanian Mace Weight: 68.00 oz
    Attack: 21
    Defense: 12
    3332 A Hammer Of Wrath Weight: 70.00 oz
    Attack: 48
    Defense: 12
    3333 A Crystal Mace Weight: 80.00 oz
    Attack: 38
    Defense: 16
    3336 A Studded Club Weight: 35.00 oz
    Attack: 9
    Defense: 8
    3337 A Bone Club Weight: 39.00 oz
    Attack: 12
    Defense: 8
    3340 A Heavy Mace Weight: 110.00 oz
    Attack: 50
    Defense: 15
    3341 An Arcane Staff Weight: 40.00 oz
    Attack: 50
    Defense: 30
    3343 A Lich Staff Weight: 41.00 oz
    Attack: 40
    Defense: 30
    3348 A Banana Staff Weight: 50.00 oz
    Attack: 25
    Defense: 15
    3453 A Scythe Weight: 30.00 oz
    Attack: 8
    Defense: 3
    5200 An Evil Punch Weight: 115.00 oz
    Attack: 62
    Defense: 20
    5206 A Multi Weapon Weight: 10.00 oz
    Attack: 10
    Defense: 10
    5406 A Vip Club Weight: 55.00 oz
    Club Fighting: +5
    Attack: 60
    Defense: 30
    5676 A Golden Mace Weight: 38.00 oz
    Attack: 55
    Defense: 38
    5678 A Skull Angel Staff Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 42
    Defense: 34
    5681 A Amestysh Staff Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 49
    Defense: 38
    5690 A Diamond Staff Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 55
    Defense: 42
    5693 A Big Morning Star Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 37
    Defense: 32
    5698 A Diabolic War Hammer Weight: 85.00 oz
    Attack: 65
    Defense: 13
    6001 A Diabolic War Hammer I Weight: 85.00 oz
    Attack: 85
    Defense: 13
    6003 A Diabolic War Hammer II Weight: 85.00 oz
    Attack: 105
    Defense: 13
    6007 A Diabolic War Hammer III Weight: 85.00 oz
    Attack: 135
    Defense: 13
    5700 A Great Diamond Staff Weight: 17.00 oz
    Attack: 65
    Defense: 18