
Old YurOts Custom

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    Monster Pedestal Box
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    Trade Online


    Bem-vindo ao sistema de Trade Online! Aqui você pode visualizar e negociar itens de maneira fácil e rápida. Para utilizar os comandos de compra, venda ou saque, é necessário estar dentro do DP de Paradise. O sistema não funciona em outros locais.

    Certifique-se de que você tem espaço suficiente na sua backpack principal para evitar que itens ou dinheiro caiam no chão. Caso não haja slots suficientes, o item ou dinheiro irá cair no chão.


    Welcome to the Online Trade system! Here you can easily view and trade items. To use the commands for buying, selling, or withdrawing money, you must be inside the DP of Paradise. The system does not work in other locations.

    Please ensure that you have enough space in your main backpack to prevent items or money from dropping on the ground. If there are not enough slots, the item or money will drop on the ground.

    Comandos / Commands

    !offer add, itemName, itemPrice, itemCount
    !offer add, plate armor, 500, 1
    !offer buy, AuctionID
    !offer buy, 1943
    !offer remove, AuctionID
    !offer remove, 1943
    !offer balance
    Use este comando para ver seu saldo em dinheiro / Use this command to see your cash balance.
    !offer withdraw
    Use este comando para receber dinheiro por itens vendidos / Use this command to receive money for sold items.

    Auction ID Player Name Item Name Item Image Count Cost Date
    35GM Admintibinha cointibinha coin1004.5kk20/01/2025 14:45:43
    33GM Admintibinha cointibinha coin1004.5kk20/01/2025 14:42:25
    32GM Admintibinha cointibinha coin1004.5kk20/01/2025 14:41:11
    30Magnus Banered robered robe1500k20/01/2025 11:15:22
    29Magnus BaneWarlock ArmorWarlock Armor2400k20/01/2025 11:14:39
    27Paladino Stronggun shooter Igun shooter I110kk19/01/2025 19:06:52
    26Paladino Stronggiant corrupt swordgiant corrupt sword15kk19/01/2025 19:06:21
    24Paladino Stronggolden great axegolden great axe15kk19/01/2025 19:02:29
    23Paladino Stronggreat diamond staffgreat diamond staff15kk19/01/2025 19:01:35
    21El Kinuzudofifty vip pointsfifty vip points125kk19/01/2025 17:51:06
    20El Kinuzudoboost capboost cap15kk19/01/2025 17:50:35
    19El Kinuzudoboost fistboost fist165kk19/01/2025 17:50:01
    18El Kinuzudoboost fistboost fist165kk19/01/2025 17:49:19
    16Paudinhopriest bootspriest boots11.3kk19/01/2025 17:46:09
    15Paudinhopriest capepriest cape1950.5k19/01/2025 17:45:39
    14Paudinhodarkness armordarkness armor1750.5k19/01/2025 17:44:40
    1GM Adminold winged helmetold winged helmet15kk19/01/2025 00:55:09
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