
Old YurOts Custom

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  • Total player on: 48
  • Uptime: 18 hours
  • Creatures: 17954

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    Monster Pedestal Box
    crystal spider
    Exp +15%
    Crystal Spider

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    Paladin Dream
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    Pisco Sour
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    Top 5 players

    Top 5 Killers

    Kills: 42

    Knox Is Back
    Kills: 35

    Kills: 34

    Ta Ai
    Kills: 34

    Kills: 31

    Shop Offers

    You need to be logged in to use the shop.

    All Items Vip Consumable Decoration
    Description Image Count Points
    Priest helmet
    (Arm:9, protection physical +1%, energy +5%, fire +2%)
    img 1x 10
    Priest legs
    (Arm:7, protection energy +3%, fire +2%)
    img 1x 10
    Priest cape
    (Arm:13, magic level +2, protection physical +2%, energy +5%, fire +3%)
    img 1x 10
    Priest boots
    (Arm:2, protection energy +2%, fire +2%)
    img 1x 10
    Wand of amethyst
    (sorcerers and druids.)
    img 1x 15
    Darkness helmet
    (Arm:15, protection physical +4%, energy +2%, earth +2%, fire +2%).(paladins and knights.)
    img 1x 15
    Darkness armor
    (Arm:18, protection physical +4%, energy +3%, earth +3%, fire +3%).(paladins and knights.)
    img 1x 15
    Darkness legs
    (Arm:13, protection physical +4%, energy +2%, earth +2%, fire +2%).(paladins and knights.)
    img 1x 15
    Darkness boots
    (Arm:4, protection physical +3%, energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%).(paladins and knights.)
    img 1x 15
    Ultimate bow
    (attacks 3 creature at a time, be careful) Atk+22.
    img 1x 15
    Ultimate sword
    (Atk:55 Def:22).
    img 1x 15
    Blacked axe
    (Atk:50 Def:35).
    img 1x 15
    Mimic club
    (Atk:53 Def:25).
    img 1x 15
    Rod of chaos.
    (sorcerers and druids of level 70 or higher).
    img 1x 20
    Pyro boots
    (Speed: +14).
    img 1x 15
    Hyper run boots
    (Speed: +10 health 10 / Mana 10 / 2 sec).
    img 1x 20
    Soft boots.
    ( health 5 / Mana 5 / 3 sec).
    img 1x 10
    Red robe
    (Arm:14, protection physical +1%, energy +10%, earth +10%, fire +10%).
    img 1x 15
    Blacked helmet
    (Arm:12, magic level +1, protection physical +4%).
    img 1x 15
    Blacked armor
    (Arm:18, magic level +2, protection physical +4%).
    img 1x 15
    Blacked legs
    (Arm:15, magic level +1, protection physical +4%).
    img 1x 15
    God spellbook
    (Def:26, magic level +3).(sorcerers and druids).
    img 1x 15
    Evil shield
    img 1x 20
    Newbie bow
    img 1x 5
    Description Image Count Points
    Vip Ring.
    (health 10 / Mana 10 / 2 sec, infinit, Great Light infinit)
    img 1x 50
    Vip Boots.
    (Speed: +25 health 10 / Mana 10 / 1 sec)
    img 1x 50
    Varinha Vip.
    Aumenta a habilidade mágica em 5. (ATK: 200+)
    img 1x 25
    Clube Vip.
    Aumenta a habilidade de clube em 5.(ATK:60 DEF:30)
    img 1x 25
    Espada Vip.
    Aumenta a habilidade de espada em 5.(ATK:60 DEF:30)
    img 1x 25
    Machado Vip.
    Aumenta a habilidade de machado em 5.(ATK:60 DEF:30)
    img 1x 25
    Vip knight shield
    (Def:40). Physical Protection: +15%, Fire Protection: +14%, Energy Protection: +14%
    img 1x 25
    Vip knight helmet
    (ArmorValue: 13, Physical Protection: +3%, Fire Protection: +3%, Energy Protection: +3%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip knight cape
    (Arm:14, protection physical +4%, Boost axe,sword,club skill 3, life and mana gain %).
    img 1x 25
    Vip knight legs
    (Arm:13, protection physical +3%, energy +2%, fire +2%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip knight boots
    (Arm:4, protection physical +4%, energy +12%, fire +2%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip paladin helmet
    (ArmorValue: 13, Physical Protection: +8%, Fire Protection: +4%, Energy Protection: +3%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip paladin cape
    (Arm:14, magic level +2, protection physical +8%, life and mana gain %).
    img 1x 25
    Vip paladin legs
    (Arm:14, protection physical +8%, energy +3%, fire +2%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip paladin boots
    (Arm:6, speed +20, protection energy +10%, fire +5%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip bow, Atk+33.
    (attacks 3 creature at a time, be careful) (ATK:33 RANGE:7)
    img 1x 25
    Vip crossbow,
    Atk+65. (DistanceBoost +5)
    img 1x 25
    Gun Shooter
    (infinite ammunition ATK:75 / Precision 75% / One Hand)
    img 1x 25
    Vip Paladin Shield
    (Def:40) AbsorbPhysical 15% ,AbsorbFire 14%, AbsorbEnergy 14%
    img 1x 25
    Vip Quiver
    20 Slots
    img 1x 10
    Vip mages helmet
    (ArmorValue: 9, Physical Protection: +3%, Magic Level: +2, Fire Protection: +5%, Energy Protection: +5%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip mages cape
    (Arm:16, magic level +3, protection physical +4%, earth +8%, fire +8%, life and mana gain %).
    img 1x 25
    Vip mages legs
    (Arm:9, magic level +4, protection physical +1%, energy +5%, earth +4%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip mages boots
    (Speed: +20 health 10 / Mana 10 / 3 sec).
    img 1x 25
    Vip spellbook +5 protection all
    (Def:26, magic level +5, protection physical +30%).
    img 1x 25
    Vip backpack
    (40 Slots).
    img 1x 5
    Vip backpack
    (40 Slots).
    img 1x 5
    Description Image Count Points
    Bag Magic
    (Receive 1 random decoration item)
    img 1x 5
    Piso one img 5x 5
    Piso two img 5x 5
    Piso three img 5x 5
    Piso four img 5x 5
    Piso five img 5x 5
    Piso six img 5x 5
    Piso seven img 5x 5
    Piso eight img 5x 5
    Piso nine img 5x 5
    Piso ten img 5x 5
    Piso eleven img 5x 5
    Piso twelve img 5x 5
    Piso thirteen img 5x 5
    Piso fourteen img 5x 5
    Blood Herb. img 5x 5
    Blood Herb. img 5x 5
    Blood Herb. img 5x 5
    Blood Herb. img 5x 5
    Description Image Count/duration Points
    Crystal coin x 100 img 100x 5
    Lottery Ticket
    Used in roulette. More details here.
    img 1x 10
    Magic scroll Fist that has the ability to increase your fist status. Raises your skill by 4 to 6 per use, forever. (For mages, the maximum is 80+-; for paladins, 110+-; and for EK, the maximum is 200+-). For more information on fist skill, visit here. img 1x 100
    Premium Membership - 15 Days
    Get 50% more EXP, 5% more loot, access to 15+ outfits, teleport from the temple, and view loot on screen. More details here.
    img 1x 20
    Boost potion
    For doubled experience for 1 hours.
    img 1x 10
    Bag Shop
    (Receive 1 random item)
    img 1x 10
    Bag Vip all vip's
    (Receive 1 random item vip)
    img 1x 15
    Bag Gem Vip
    (Remember the bag will give 1 random gem! There is a risk of item breakage. Yellow: 10% success. Red: 15% success. Blue: 35% success. Green: 50% success. Purple: 90% success.)
    img 1x 5
    Stone skin amulet vip (25 charges) Absorb Physical 80%,Absorb Magic 10% img 25x 5
    Magic food. (Infinite food) img 1x 10
    5 points site
    You have just earned 5 points to spend shopping on the site
    img 1x 10
    10 points site
    You have just earned 10 points to spend shopping on the site
    img 1x 15
    50 points site
    You have just earned 50 points to spend shopping on the site
    img 1x 55
    Capacity increase
    (+500 Oz)
    img 1x 10
    Remove Red Scroll
    (Note removes only your skull red, just 1 use and item is gone.)
    img 1x 25
    Change character gender img 1x 10
    Change character name
    (Go offline or lose trade)
    img 1x 20
    Super Sudden Death Runes (This item can be picked up from creatures or created by players.) img 100x 5
    Super Ultimate Healing Rune
    (This item can be picked up from creatures or created by players.)
    img 100x 5
    Magic Sellet
    Magical object that when used on things sells them, be careful when using it, ideal for quickly selling items, but at a lower price than the NPC.
    img 50x 5
    A magic box,
    Which can give epic items or not. See more details here.
    img 1x 5
    Power Ring Of Healing.
    Powerful healing and mana ring, durability 30 minutes.
    img 1x 5
    Key Bunches.
    Having a random hunt key, at the end of the room there is always a lot of exp waiting for you.
    img 1x 10
    Use and receive a mount of the gods. img 1x 5
    A Magic Forge,
    It can be used on weapons, boots and helmets and some weapons. See more details here.
    img 1x 5