
Retro YurOts Custom

  • Registered accounts: 261
  • Total player on the day: 57

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    Monster Pedestal Box
    hellspawn crawer
    Exp +21%
    Hellspawn Crawer

    Top 5 players

    Top 5 Killers

    Jaum Sd
    Kills: 5

    Kills: 4

    Kills: 3

    Top 5 Exp Today

    Fodase Voce Druid
    Exp gained today:

    Jhony Malkavian
    Exp gained today:

    Shadow Command
    Exp gained today:

    Lord Titanium
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    Exp gained today:

    Items (Boots)

    Id Name Attributes
    3079 Boots Of Haste Weight: 7.50 oz
    Speed: +10
    3246 Boots Of Waterwalking Weight: 7.70 oz
    3549 Soft Boots Weight: 8.00 oz
    Health Gain: +5
    HealthTicks: 3 seconds
    Mana Gain: +5
    ManaTicks: 3 seconds
    3550 Patched Boots Weight: 10.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3551 Sandals Weight: 6.00 oz
    3552 Leather Boots Weight: 9.00 oz
    Armor: 1
    3553 Bunnyslippers Weight: 6.00 oz
    3554 Steel Boots Weight: 29.00 oz
    Armor: 3
    5928 Colossos Boots Weight: 29.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    3555 Golden Boots Weight: 31.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    3556 Crocodile Boots Weight: 9.00 oz
    Armor: 1
    5181 A Priest Boots Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    Fire Protection: +2%
    Energy Protection: +2%
    5160 Hyper Run Boots Weight: 8.00 oz
    Health Gain: +10
    HealthTicks: 2 seconds
    Mana Gain: +10
    ManaTicks: 2 seconds
    Speed: +5
    5146 Pyro Boots Weight: 7.50 oz
    Fire Protection: +25%
    Speed: +7
    5153 Darkness Boots Weight: 9.50 oz
    Armor: 4
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Absorb Magic: 5%
    5320 Vip Boots Weight: 8.00 oz
    Health Gain: +10
    HealthTicks: 1 seconds
    Mana Gain: +10
    ManaTicks: 1 seconds
    Speed: +12.5
    5410 A Vip Knight Boots Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    Fire Protection: +2%
    Energy Protection: +12%
    Physical Protection: +2%
    5416 A Vip Paladin Boots Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +10%
    Speed: +10
    5421 A Vip Mages Boots (Health +5 Per 3 Seconds, Mana +15 Per 3 Seconds) Weight: 8.00 oz
    Health Gain: +5
    HealthTicks: 3 seconds
    Mana Gain: +15
    ManaTicks: 3 seconds
    Speed: +10
    5682 A God Boots Weight: 8.00 oz
    Health Gain: +14
    HealthTicks: 1 seconds
    Mana Gain: +14
    ManaTicks: 1 seconds
    Speed: +22.5
    5707 Picon Boots Weight: 7.50 oz
    Speed: +10