
Retro YurOts Custom

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  • Total player on the day: 57

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    Monster Pedestal Box
    hellspawn crawer
    Exp +21%
    Hellspawn Crawer

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    Jaum Sd
    Kills: 5

    Kills: 4

    Kills: 3

    Rair Lomy
    Kills: 2

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    Jhony Malkavian
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    Lord Titanium
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    Shadow Command
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    Items (Helmets)

    Id Name Attributes
    3011 A Crown Weight: 19.00 oz
    3022 An Ancient Tiara Weight: 8.20 oz
    3210 A Hat Of The Mad Weight: 7.00 oz
    Armor: 3
    3226 A Damaged Helmet Weight: 18.00 oz
    Armor: 5
    3229 A Helmet Of The Ancients Weight: 27.60 oz
    Armor: 8
    3230 A Helmet Of The Ancients Weight: 27.60 oz
    Armor: 11
    3351 A Steel Helmet Weight: 46.00 oz
    Armor: 6
    3352 A Chain Helmet Weight: 42.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3353 An Iron Helmet Weight: 30.00 oz
    Armor: 5
    3354 A Brass Helmet Weight: 27.00 oz
    Armor: 3
    3355 A Leather Helmet Weight: 22.00 oz
    Armor: 1
    3356 A Devil Helmet Weight: 50.00 oz
    Armor: 7
    3365 A Golden Helmet Weight: 32.00 oz
    Armor: 12
    3367 A Viking Helmet Weight: 39.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    3368 A Winged Helmet Weight: 12.00 oz
    Armor: 10
    3369 A Warrior Helmet Weight: 68.00 oz
    Armor: 8
    3373 A Strange Helmet Weight: 46.00 oz
    Armor: 6
    3374 A Legion Helmet Weight: 31.00 oz
    Armor: 4
    3375 A Soldier Helmet Weight: 32.00 oz
    Armor: 5
    3376 A Studded Helmet Weight: 24.50 oz
    Armor: 2
    3384 A Dark Helmet Weight: 46.00 oz
    Armor: 6
    3385 A Crown Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 7
    6063 A Old Crown Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 7
    3387 A Demon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    5592 A Demon Helmet Black Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    Physical Protection: +5%
    Fire Protection: +6%
    Energy Protection: +6%
    5506 A Ancestral Demon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    3390 A Horned Helmet Weight: 51.00 oz
    Armor: 11
    3391 A Crusader Helmet Weight: 52.00 oz
    Armor: 8
    3392 A Royal Helmet Weight: 48.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    3393 An Amazon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 7
    3395 A Ceremonial Mask Weight: 40.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    3396 A Dwarfen Helmet Weight: 42.00 oz
    Armor: 6
    3400 A Dragon Scale Helmet Weight: 32.50 oz
    Armor: 9
    3403 A Tribal Mask Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3405 A Horseman Helmet Weight: 42.00 oz
    Armor: 6
    3406 A Feather Headdress Weight: 21.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3407 A Charmer's Tiara Weight: 22.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3408 A Beholder Helmet Weight: 46.00 oz
    Armor: 7
    3573 A Magician Hat Weight: 7.50 oz
    Armor: 1
    3574 A Mystic Turban Weight: 8.50 oz
    Armor: 1
    3575 A Wood Cape Weight: 11.00 oz
    Armor: 2
    3576 A Post Officers Hat Weight: 7.00 oz
    Armor: 1
    5090 A Blacked Helmet Weight: 30.00 oz
    Armor: 12
    Physical Protection: +4%
    Magic Level: +1
    5179 A Priest Helmet Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    Physical Protection: +1%
    Fire Protection: +2%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5228 A Mimic Hat Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 8
    Magic Level: +2
    5164 A Winter Tunic Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    Physical Protection: +1%
    Energy Protection: +3%
    Poison Protection: -2%
    5154 A Darkness Helmet Weight: 35.00 oz
    Armor: 15
    Physical Protection: +4%
    Absorb Magic: 2%
    5413 A Vip Knight Helmet Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 13
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Fire Protection: +3%
    Energy Protection: +3%
    5419 A Vip Paladin Helmet Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 13
    Physical Protection: +8%
    Fire Protection: +4%
    Energy Protection: +3%
    5424 A Vip Mages Helmet Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Magic Level: +2
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5480 A Legendary Crusader Helmet Weight: 52.00 oz
    Armor: 11
    5482 A Legendary Latan Helmet Weight: 52.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    5321 A Green Demon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    5325 A Mystic Demon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    5931 A Colossos Demon Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 10
    5670 A Majestic Helmet Weight: 35.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +6%
    Absorb Magic: 4%
    5694 A Real Crusader Helmet Weight: 35.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +5%
    Absorb Magic: 5%
    5696 A Diabolic Helmet Weight: 35.00 oz
    Armor: 14
    Physical Protection: +6%
    Absorb Magic: 9%
    5701 A Angelical Helmet Weight: 35.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +8%
    Absorb Magic: 10%
    Life increase: +116%
    Mana increase: +116%
    5719 A Red Winged Helmet Weight: 12.00 oz
    Armor: 9
    5718 A Longhorn Helmet Weight: 12.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +8%
    Absorb Magic: 10%
    Life increase: +116%
    Mana increase: +116%
    5704 A Picon Helmet Weight: 68.00 oz
    Armor: 8
    5735 A Ice Medion Horn Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 9
    5768 A Old Golden Helmet Weight: 32.00 oz
    Armor: 12
    5915 A Gilded Crown Helmet Weight: 29.50 oz
    Armor: 7
    5913 A Gilded Horned Helmet Weight: 51.00 oz
    Armor: 11
    5966 A Vip Paladin Helmet I Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 15
    Physical Protection: +10%
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5970 A Vip Mages Helmet I Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 10
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Magic Level: +2
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5965 A Vip Knight Helmet I Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 14
    Physical Protection: +4%
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +6%
    5973 A Vip Paladin Helmet II Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +10%
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5991 A Vip Paladin Helmet III Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 17
    Physical Protection: +12%
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5977 A Vip Mages Helmet II Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 11
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Magic Level: +3
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5992 A Vip Mages Helmet III Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 12
    Physical Protection: +3%
    Magic Level: +8
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +5%
    5978 A Vip Knight Helmet II Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 15
    Physical Protection: +4%
    Fire Protection: +4%
    Energy Protection: +8%
    5994 A Vip Knight Helmet III Weight: 25.00 oz
    Armor: 16
    Physical Protection: +4%
    Fire Protection: +5%
    Energy Protection: +10%